Bunarong Bushwalking Club Welcomes You
We advise all interested walkers to do three walks as visitors to both assess whether they like it and to gauge their level of fitness and be able to choose appropriate walks in the future. A $5.00 visitor’s fee applies when walking as a visitor and an Acknowledgement Form needs to be signed to cover insurance.
Visitors are always welcome to attend our bi-monthly meetings, where we review past events and discuss future ones or to join us on any designated walk.
Club meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every second month, starting at 8.00 pm (except the June meeting which starts at 7:30 pm). Meetings are held in February, April, June, August, October and December
CLUBROOMS are at the St Aidans Church Hall, 5 Poulson St (corner of McLeod Rd), Carrum. Melway Map 97 Ref:D7.
Annual Fees
Membership fees for the 2018-2019 year are as follows and were due in June 2018.
Single $35.00
Single Concession $30.00
Couples/Families $65.00
Family Concession $55.00 A late fee of $5.00 is payable after the August Club Meeting.
A $5 per walk visitor's fee applies for up to 3 walks.
A visitors Acknowledgement form covers participants for insurance purposes. Any new members joining the club after January will be charged half the fee.
Each member receives a BWV Membership Card. The benefits are discounts at most outdoor activity stores and some travel agents.
How to book a walk
1. Booking sheets are tabled at our General Club meetings held bimonthly. This is also the time to hear details about the intended walks from the leaders.
2. You can ring the walks leader to book on their walk no later than four days before the intended walk. If you are unable to connect and leave a message make sure you get confirmation from the leader that your message was received. If not call again. This is especially important for new walkers as leaders like to personally speak with you before their walk. If you leave a phone message please give details of your meeting point on the day so that the leader can organise carpooling.
In respect to the walk leader please book as early as you can. If for any reason you need to cancel, call the leader A.S.A.P.
A trip fee of 8 cents per km will be charged for carpooling.